I am sad that a full month of my summer break is gone! Yet July is always an exciting month. It starts off with Mike's birthday. Then moves to the fourth of July which is always funnest with the kids. To watch the wonder and awe of fireworks is wonderful through child eyes. Next comes the time when Hannah is half a year old.! Wow, how time flys!!! Then there are VBS's and other activities to attend. And toward the end of the month, I need to start getting back into school mode.
We have enjoyed visiting the zoo, Shakespeare in the Park, Magic House, free movie and lunch, and many other activities so far. If I can get Mike to get the pics off the camera, we will try to post a few. Hannah is growing and learning. She has the melody of talking down pat, she just needs to learn the words! She is very curious. Arthur is a big help. Caleb and Clara continue to dote on her. Everyone has a reading program at the library that they are participating in. All seems to be going well.