Just in case, you misread the title, I am referring to the constant sense of being busy, rather than owing a business. It seems like we are always coming or going, and not staying, which is good, because it means we are doing things, but bad, because we are never accomplishing the things which need to be done. That is why I haven't posted in a while; I just haven't had the time to set, collect my thoughts, and put them on the blog. I will try to do better, but you've heard that before.
Anyway, Hannah is getting bigger by the day, and would probably be even bigger if she didn't spit up so much. School is going great for the other 3 kids. Arthur has a solo coming up for a performance, and his choir group will be in the High School production of Beauty and the Beast next weekend, and he's going to preach for me at the end of May. Caleb finally lost his first tooth, and he has at least 2 coming after that one. Clara got her kindergarten shot, and she didn't move an inch. She is anxious for real school to start in the fall.
Carrie is pretty stressed out because of all the stuff going on with school, and the fact that her car was supposed to be fixed on Wednesday, and it would have been, except the mechanic discovered the used engine we had been sent was defective. Now we have to haggle with the company to recoup some of the labor costs we have to spend extra because the new engine has to come out, be reshipped, so we can get a working engine into the car. We will be paying 1 1/2 times the labor instead of double the labor, but it's still more than we expected. We're hoping we can get the engine company to pary for most, if not all of the extra costs. We should find out by Tuesday exactly what's going on.
I'm still working at Wal-Mart in Potosi and preaching at Mill Spring every Sunday. We decided not to move, and the church was agreeable to that, so the only problem we face is traveling an hour and a half to church each way each Sunday. It makes Sunday mornings long, but it's worth it.
Anyway, I will post a little bit more tomorrow or Monday, and I will definitely update as soon as we hear what's going on with the car. In the mean time, keep us in your prayers.
Mike, Carrie, and all the kids